Saturday, April 26, 2008 ( 8:04 PM )
For those not playing Dota seriously don't read this you would just find yourself confuse like i am speaking alien language...
Last friday was our last day to lan so i went with the usual people. Bervyn as usual before starting the game he would say " arsp, apemsp, aremsp.... Must aremsp blah blah blah ... alot of reasons"
The first game i was the same team with him and sc versus sec2e2 students including the Korean Bastard. I type aremsp and got axe, ber got spectre and sc got veno. It was an advantage for me as the other team was all melee. I got first blood and Bervyn was using his sarcastic way of speaking again" So strong ah?" Then in the game when i keep killing them he keep saying the other team so noob. Everything coming from his mouth is Noob Noob Noob. His spectre also so noob like shit like that i farm threads, 2 vanguard, 1 blade mail and he only farm 1 threads and relic i think . Forgot the others the items too lousy le. When i am tanking the whole enemy team : Tiny, Lycan, Sa when i got my assault, 1 more blade mail. All he did was when they all low hp he came in ks some of them.
In the second game before starting he keep talking again saying the same stuff. This time he was with roshan and the Korean bastard and i was with sc and the other sec2e2 students. I got sladar sc got death prophet and the other two got shadow shaman and pudge. Enemy: ber silencer, roshan axe, korean bastard crystal maiden. Bervyn kept on saying what got 2 feeder lost le then if we lose that means we really damn noob. Roshan killed me twice in the game and i wan super pissed with him killing me and Bervyn saying noob again. So i decided to solo myself avoiding battle. I felt like shutting bervyn up as he is really damn noisy keep on criticizing people like he very pro like that.Still said that roshan very noob low life still go tank . Then,I typed go t 2.6k can own le. And i got my assault and killed bervyn roshan and korean many times. And i shouted NOOB when i killed bervyn and he still said what you all late game heroes can own us in the end what. I was like wtf man... shadow shaman death prophet late game heroes sladar and pudge maybe... ZZZ
His silencer item also dunno how he play one farm linken threads sange and two nulls. What was he thinking? He think that his linken can block shadow shaman from voodoing him or shackle? He dunno how to farm guinsoo isit? Then he keep telling roshan that i duno how to farm standard item for heroes. My vengeful spirit i farm manta style as the enemy team too many intel heroes spamming spells. Like for example you use axe and your lane is lina and zeus u tell me u go farm vanguard when they can spam until u you look like dog although you got high hp at least farm a hood of defiance what. You farm standard item got what shit use at the end is how you counter your enemy.
Bervyn also said what i every game farm neutral creeps... Then he said i farm neutral creeps only when i get killed too often. Lame leh him. He think that he so pro that he doesn't need neutral creeps money if you so pro then why don't you win the game that time?
Few months ago he think he very pro and he said that " i in whose team confrim win 1" You so pro meh put you in run zhou team versus me and sc you also cannot win then halfway leave game. I think if anyone can say that its either Kalo or Zhen Lin.
Anyway Jacleyn i hope you're feeling better now go GNC get the thing i told you before it helps people like you.
Saturday, April 12, 2008 ( 8:16 PM )
I haven't been posting for such a long time that it sounds strange to post now. Recently i dunno why but i like Linkin Park so much suddenly. I enjoy chemistry practical sessions too. It's the time when i get to gl Ms. Ng
Ms Ng " I still can smell the gas ..."
Yu Run and I :" Your body ordour lar..."
And lots lots more.
Yesterday service was very funny when PD said about the Buddhist song in techno version. " La eh La eh La..." If you don't get what i meant i would sing it to you. I hope ' iknow' the song could be played more often.
I am going for Spec course in June and i could get my red armpit shirt and rank.... I hope that God could give me the confidnece when i go there